What did amaze me though was how this land formation came to be were you can go from great sand dunes to forest to great mountain peaks reaching to 14,000 feet ( 4,267 meters ) above sea level and then to splashing around in the fresh waters of the Medano Creek, truly amazing formations of mother nature carved out over thousands of years by wind and rain it was so stunning to see this.

These sand dunes here in Colorado are spread over 30 square miles that's a lot of sand, i really can't understand how people in countries of miles of sand dune deserts find there way around without any designated trails every mountain of sand looked the same to me i would be going around in circles 🤣 If you did want to sand-board here on the sand dunes there was equipment you could hire from the national park. I remember as a kid we use to have a couple mountains of sand dunes behind the house we use to live in and every afternoon after school my brother and myself use to grab our piece of cardboard and go sand-boarding down these sand dunes before dinner it was great fun but we were not going to be doing this here, we were saving our energy for the horse ride later. Reaching the Great Sand Dunes of Colorado there was a entries fee to enter the park this was about $20 US per vehicle you could either camp out in the camping grounds or stay in a lodges on site but we were not staying the night we just wanted to have a bit of a play around in the sand dunes. Leaving our cabin that early morning it took just over 4 hours to reach the Great Sand Dunes of Colorado from Rocky Mountain National Park.

Our visit to Colorado was really turning into a amazing adventure we had already been to Red Rocks Amphitheater the Rocky Mountain National Park and after spending a couple nights at Rocky Mountain National Park doing a bit of hiking we then decided to move on to see the Great Sand Dunes of Colorado.